Highlights from ‘Ego is the enemy’ by Ryan Holiday

Jolyn Cheo
Aug 22, 2021
  1. We will learn that though we think big, we must act and live small in order to accomplish what we seek.
  • Forgo validation and status

2. Ignore the impulse to seek recognition before you act

  • Status and appointments are proxies for real accomplishments

3. Impressing people is utterly different from being truly impressive.

  • Appearances are deceiving. E.g being promoted doesn’t necessarily mean you are worthy of a promotion

4. Living clearly and presently takes courage.

  • Be part of what’s going on around you. There’s no one to perform for.

5. The less attached we are to outcomes the better.

  • Doing good work is sufficient. Effort, not the results, is enough.

6. Do your work. Do it well. Then ‘let go and let God’. That’s all there needs to be.

  • Rewards and Recognition are extras, rejection is on them, not us.



Jolyn Cheo

I share what I learned from books and life experiences.